Mr. O 4 gov

New member
i am thinking about oredering some M1T, i only want to take it for a few weeks. 20mg a day for 30 days. what anti-estrogen is best to take with it, and how much? after i start using it, how long before i start to see results? when i mix it with something to drink it, is one thing better than another to take it? and finally, is 20mg ed a safe amount for four weeks?
Bro, I don't think you necessarily need one for the M1T but if you use an anti-aromatese like aromasin or liquidex it will allow you to have more free test in your system which would be a great benifit to building more muscle. Lower estrogen and higher test is always a good thing. (well, most of the time anyways)
dosage sounds fine. I've never used it myself, but I have heard of people making gains of close to 8-10lbs in 30 days using 20-30mg per day.

Your gains will most likely be determined by your diet. Eat big to get big. High protein. 4-5k calories per day.
mix it with OJ because M1T is STRONG. I just took my first dose and it lit me up, water did nothing, just chug some OJ.

Also did first IGF shot, look for thread in IGF forum tomorrow morning.
Re: testosterone igf-1 long hgh

doozer said:
ok now i testosterone igf-1 long r get it i try putiing this in order rather satelite coll regulation through cell regulation ocurs when onther muscle works harder for pseudohypertrophoy with of the many grow facters thyamidine bromodeoxyyuridne desmin myod1 moc first muscle specific perteins myogonosis ans is enhanced by steroid use the incorporatinting into existing fibers and to maintain nuclear cytoplasmic ratio is a fundamental mechanism fo muscle growth atrophine inhibits the actions acetylcholine on exocrine and smooth muscle but not on skeletal muscle (many diffrent drugs or recongition sites) or termed recepters or hormone reecpters are identified by there structures and for th perfomances they do B-andregenic subtypes benzodiazpins and the insulin family to there contemplating recepters in vito can reveal important aspacts of there behavior subcellur cellular when taking tesosterone for long periods of time lead to down regulation pottassium k psuedohyperkalema hypoglycymia in the pressence of insulin defiancy moderatly moderatley heavey ecersize perticualy in the B-blockers steroid anti inflamatory drugs now we down whant that messing up our gains possibly enough vitamin b 12 kynosolon keep up with water electrolytes minerals this will be very wise gh is liberated through protoelclyte attivity anitiatiate an ativaion process where prolife active phase after myofibers are formed the cell behavior is required through difusing features arising from the fibers that just would not be a good thing adrenalcortorpol horomone (ACTH)is a simple poly peptide containing 39 amino acids biological n terminal 20 amino acids CRH is the primary agent that releases (ACTH:arcade: :arcade: :arcade:

uh....can you say that again bro...lol I think I'm missing something here. lol.
that first on that i posted above came from the info of the long one since testosterone effects all kinds of stuff why not make the best of it and i meen it

add by BiggerStronger: It looks like you just cut and pasted a bunch of irrelevant words and articles. I'm not sure if you just don't speak english well or if you are purposely posting crap. If it's the latter and you continue to do so in other peoples threads you wont be here for much longer. You've done it twice in one thread already...third time we'll have to have a little talk, eh? lol
Hey guys, im sorry if im not very infomed about M1T but i haven't had a chance to read up on it more, is a post cycle regimen necessary when using this? Also if anyone can point me to a good read about it please let me know.
okay, I could be wrong here since your normal test levels could be suppressed
