Intensity Tip of the day for Tuesday-


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Applied Intensity for Success:


The secret for most successful athletes is to develop highly refined competitive skills and to perform them with intensity. Especially for those who weight train, mastering intensity is a key ingredient toward fulfilling the goal of training for size and muscularity. But you need to build up to full intensity by first developing the physical skills and strength needed.

Intensity is defined as the application of maximum physical effort systematically applied to a technically developed motor skill. This means you must be experienced in technique before intensity is applied. Therefore, if you're inexperienced and attempt a maximum deadlift with bad form, you may get injured. But performing a maximum deadlift with expert skill and good form will aid in the prevention of training accidents.
interesting. did you read that somewhere or did it come straight from the old coconut:suspect:
QBMuscle said:
interesting. did you read that somewhere or did it come straight from the old coconut:suspect:

Yeh right like the old coconut works that well this early! ;)
after writing this post i was reminded of that one simpsons epiosode when homer and lisa go in the dream boxes, the ones that look like coffins, and homer goes for that little ride, what was it that he said? i think it was something like "this enlightenment is tough on the old coconut" now it doesn't seem funny now but picture the scene.