Could you get busted for importing...


New member
Lipostabil...which is nothing more than injectable Lechitin.

Its not a controlled substance, hell it aint even an Rx. However, its not FDA approved either, however an application hasnt even submitted to the FDA for thier approval so its not disapproved either :D

I ordered about 10 vials of the stuff from Brazil. I asked them to label the product "For oral use only" since its just lechitin. Whatdo you guys think? Should I clean house to be on the safe side, or am I just on crack?
look up the laws bro, I imported 100grams of andrstenedione from china, but they held it for legality, but its legal so they had to return it to me, they can do whatever they want unless you get an attorney just in case, and yes never, I say NEVER keep any info or controlled substances at your house if you do that.
If it is handed to you you better know whats in it! What if they send you something illegal its still your fault and you will be responsible. not to scare you but check it out first bro.
I think Customs basically does whatever they want to do, so you could definitely have some problems with them, at least until the substance is confirmed as "legal", that is assuming the quantity falls within whatever they deem as "personal use".
