Tuesday-Intensity tip of the day...


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Be Mentally Prepared

Expect some pain. This prepares you mentally for increased physical intensity. Unfortunately, pain has become a four letter word in our culture. Many media messages condition us to view pain as undesirable, something to be avoided. Television commercials direct us to treat pain with an ever growing arsenal of painkillers. We're often advised not to strain ourselves, not to overdo it. Such statements program us to become pleasure seekers without first developing the discipline or the ability to work through pain or difficulties.
To combat this trend, you can psychologically alter your perception of pain as something to tolerate, even strive for. As time progresses, the same pain level feels lessened, And your brain interprets the pain as acceptable. Surprisingly, with continued physical work in the pain zone, your muscular responses of increased size and strength will be mentally perceived as pure pleasure. This is the very point where your brain begins to transform these pain sensations into feelings of euphoria.