please help


Master of His Own Universe
any juice that could help with injury rehab? or something that is pain masking aswell as androgenic so i can go through the pain
Re: Re: please help

supersport said:
QBMuscle said:
any juice that could help with injury rehab?

If you have a torn muscle something like anadrol would probably be very helpful-it promotes protein synthesis in a big way. But if you are new to gear i would say not to use anadrol as it can be a little nasty-some users have sides to it. if you have a joint injury some gear "lubes" the joints. i want to say deca is good at this but i would ask a mod or someone who knows for sure. Naprosyn is a good anti inflamatory for a joint injury too. In any case you want to go easy on the training until fully recuperated-gear might make you feel like superman and you could reinjure...
like i said in the injury rehab forum, i sprained my AC on the right side, and it has been since june, so i have full strength back in the joint, in just friggin hurts sometimes. and the reason i want something to mask the pain is because i know the cracking and the pain will prolly be there for ever, i just want something to help it. thanks
QBMuscle said:
like i said in the injury rehab forum, i sprained my AC on the right side, and it has been since june, so i have full strength back in the joint, in just friggin hurts sometimes. and the reason i want something to mask the pain is because i know the cracking and the pain will prolly be there for ever, i just want something to help it. thanks

Your doc has not prescribed anything? I am not recommending these products but alleve, aspirin,ibuproferin, and tylenol may be of help. If you or anyone uses tylenol for a lenghty time make sure to check liver funtion-one of my clients used otc tylenol for years and died from liver failure..doc said it was due to chronic use of ty...
i'm not really one for taking pills for anything except vitamins. i will suffer through anything to stay away from pain killers. what i want is some steroid that can mask pain (i have heard of it somewhere but can't remeber). maybe i'll just have to suck it up, and wallk it off.
I don't know of any steroid that will mask the pain or help you through it. I wish there was. I've been in pain every time I train since my car accedent. I just got used to it.