Lipostabil....IN THE FACE?!?!?


New member
A bro of mine has lost some fat and is now looking to bulk, however he still has a bit of a double chin. Before I tell him anything, has anyone used lipo for the purpose of removing the double chin? He wasn't "fat" before so I'm pretty sure it isn't just loose skin. Any thoughts?? Thanks!!
uh....tell him to try it and see what

I would be scared personally to put it into my face...or neck area just in case I fucked up and did something wrong....oops, now you can just call me lumpy.
It can if you don't do the injections right...I would try on a different area first to get the procedure down...I do know that it will cause swelling and be a bit painful. I'm not sure if he'd want to be seen like that. lol.

OR you can tell him to buy a few weeks worth of
As far as looks he's ugly anyway. lol I'd give him the shots just to see his reaction to the pain. Should be funny as hell!! OW! OW! OW!! As long as it can't harm him any.
I've seen sites online that not only advertise, but also show before and after pics of using Lipostabil on the neck and double chin area. Not sure if I'd do it, but there is obviously someone doing it somewhere.
Hmmm???...anyone know how to actually order this "lipostabil" did the "lab-corp" site and keep getting "zero-matches" could it be under another name???
why not just call a doctors office and ask them over the phone if that's something they can do. If they can do it, then so can you. However, I personally wouldn't inject anything in my body over the pec area.