Fat Face


New member
Has anyone ever had bloat in the face from Dbol, that others noticed it as well? Or has it been mainly in the gut/belly area?
Just want to know in advance incase my next cycle includes Dbol.
Can't have the wife seeing me looking like a squirrel or something from the next generation!
You will get it more than likely stay away from the dbol if you don't want the water retention. Keep reading you find more info on dbol. My advice is stick to winny. What are your goals?
my first cycle consist of 500ml test E and 300ml of deca. finishing off with prop. i don't need the water right now. need to tighen up a bit next time around
Using an anti-e during the cycle will help you not bloat too bad.... but yeah d-bol can make you get some moon face.... Also using an anti-e will kill some of the water gains....which means your strength from the D won't be quite as drastic.... So it's your call.... Remember your diet and water intake play a big role in the bloat you will get. Keep it clean and drink lots of water and it shouldn't be too bad....
Thanks, I usually down a gallon or more of agua a day anyway. And also try to eat fairly clean...
i have a lot of bloat right now even with .5 dose of anastrozole ED

I drink a lot of water as well, kind of sucks but strength is up pretty good. maybe i'll drop the anastrozole and see how it goes without it
A couple of my buddies have done dbol with letrozole and compare the gains to a high dose var cycle with the crazy strength and low bloat factor.
