M1T Baldness?


I told my friend about M1T and he liked the sound of it. He is a personal trainer at Ballys. He takes 1-AD and other crap like that. So he goes into the place where he gets his 1-AD and other stuff and asks the guy behind the counter about M1T. The guys said it causes baldness in dogs.

Has anyone heard this? Is there any truth to it? Or is the guy simply a fucking moron and doesn't know what the hell he's talking about?
I've never heard of it....Actually I have never heard of a dog having male pattern baldness either!!!
I wouldn't imagine M-1-T will cause much baldness. It is definitely a pretty strong anabolic/androgenic steroid, but since it doesn't convert to DHT wouldn't that mean it shouldn't contribute to male pattern baldness. I don't know....just a thought.
A steroid doesnt have to convert to DHT to cause androgenic problems, just like it doesnt have to convert to estrogen to cause bloating or gyno.

If the substance is androgenic (meaning activates the AR) then theres a good chance you can suffer from some hairloss...along with acne and some aggression.

Deca for example doesnt convert to DHT, but it does convert to DHN. DHN doesnt activate the AR at all, but nandrole.
i think it causes baldness about as much as jacking off causes blindness,lol