Bicep workout--How many sets do u do??

tuned up

New member
keeping in mind "overtraining"
once a week,
warmup (small weight,15 reps ez bar)
2 sets 100 lbs ez bar 8 to 10 reps
2 sets hammers 50 lbs 10 reps
finish with 1 set 15 reps ez bar 1/2 the weight (50 lbs)
too much ? too lilttle? what do ya think?
once a week for me

3 exercises, 2 sets each (not counting warmup)

barbell curls (thumbs out)
inclined curls
cable curls
I hit them once a week. 2 sets of barbell curls, 2 sets of scott curls or hammer curls and 2 sets of bent-over cable concentration
curls to failure. Works for me!
2 exercises per workout , 1 workout set using rest pause for each ,around 15 rep range totally on the working set, just do scott curls and reverse curls or incline curls and hammer curls .
i do them a couple of different ways. right now it's 3 exercises and 1 set to failure for each exercise.

barbell - 105lbs failure (8 reps)
db curls - 45lbs failure (8-10 reps)
preacher curls 100lbs failure (10-12 reps)
My #1 exercise is straight-bar curls starting light to warm up and adding weight until I get around 200lbs and then decreasing weights.
Than I go do a few other exercises, I love bi day.
I like bicep day to. I have to go very slow with curls otherwise I don't get a good burn/pumped feeling

i like to do straightbar curls (thumbs along the bar) followed immediately by db curls (with that good twist outward at the top)

2 other exercises after that, but the above is my favorite