Men and women all look please


New member
Here is my problem in a nut shell. I have a beautiful, athletic intelligent, perfect fiance. We are both very much into bodybuilding and fitness. Im 5'9 and range anywhere from 225 (when Im taking a break) to around 240. My girl used to stay around 118-120 at about 5'4 and very muscular and lean(she didnt get her period for a few years). We have been very busy building our lives together and in the process has gained 18-20lbs that has absolutely devastated her. I got her to try anavar and a little T3 months ago and she lost 8-10 lbs in about 6 weeks. She then took a break to let her body readjust. Anyways she is down to eating only 1500 cals a day over 6-7 meals and now taking 100mcg of T3 and isnt loosing much weight at all. She does cardio 5 times a week and weight trains at least 4. We had her t3 levels checked and they are through the roof. What should we look at next?? Im going to get her more anavar and hope that the weight keeps coming off at some rate, but my god, 100mcg of T3 a day??!! What do you guys think??
She does Clen 2 weeks at a time every 7-8 weeks!! She was in amazing shape before and now its like the weight wont come off! She recently started birth control pills so that could account for some of the weight gain. She is very dedicated, we have been trying to find someone around here to do a diet and monitor her, but no one seems to be all that knowledgable. We both have biomedical degrees, but Im a little stumped. The docs tell her she is still a litte too lean so they are not very cooperative in doing tests.
Birth control can be some of the problem.

winV strips of fat from my wife as well as anavar. She is very experienced with gear though. A little gear,cardio and low carb should do it.
Bro.... What the hell..... There is such thing as burning too many cals in a day....

In my opinion, she is doing just that....

Of ciourse she isn't losing any weight..... Her body thinks it is starving..... With her thyroid wide open and using clen as well, then only eating 1500 cals a day, I say she is over doing it...... That dosage of T3 is high too......

The problem here is that she has gone to far, but if she backs it up to fast, she will end up getting a rebound as mentioned and put some weight back on......

IMO, she needs to back off the T3 and maybe the cardio...... but try just the T3 first... and do it slowly..... Her body needs to be at a point where it is under maintenance cals, but not so far that it thinks it will starve...... Because your body is very good at holding on to fat when it thinks it's starving.... and it will feed off of her hard earned muscle first.... I am actually quite surprised that she isn't losing muscle......

Anyway... theres my thoughts
Thanks alot for the responses. I thought about the muscle loss thing too. The thing is that the human boby naturally works on negative biofeedback. The body lowers t4 and in turn t3 output when it senses famine approaching. We shortcut this through the T3 use. She also eats very frequently. Im so afraid to talk to her about lowering the T3 since she will definately rebound. She tried Zero carbs for a couple of weeks but had no energy to train. She is now doing the Zone which she likes. It seems like she has to be on 110% for weeks to lose a pound or two, but one messed up meal and she gains it all back. She wont get naked in front of me, take showers with me, and isnt even all that interested in sex anymore. She is depressed for days on end and has very low self esteem now. I dont know what to do. I would like to find a trainer/nutritionist to work with her.... something. Any first hand ideas from women?????????????

You really didn't mention your GF's goals other than to shed a handful of pounds. What does her training schedule look like? Also, how old is she? Age has a huge impact on metabolism esp. for women.
Someone else had mentioned her possiblely not getting enough calories which could absolutely be the case depending on her BMI. If that's the case, she will never lose until she takes in enough calories for her body to realize it's "safe" to burn stored energy (fat).

FYI. @ 1500 cals I would be starving...and I'm a little girl
We started this very prudently. I keep my doses low even when Im near 240 at 9%, at that weight Im still using less than 1G total. We started at 2000cal nothing else. Then 20mcg T3, Then after 2 weeks we upped it. Then slowly lowered cals. She hasnt used the anavar in months. She only used it for 6 weeks. Ive got more coming though. I dont mean to be arguementative, Ive gone through everything I could think of. She is 27 and she trains very hard. I dont know what is going on. She gets bitter about how much, and the kinds of foods I eat and I still stay lean. We tried Winstrol, but she gained weight and it increased her appetite. She wants to be around 15%-17% with her current amount of muscle mass. Around 120Lbs.
that dose of t3 is insane for a women to take, womens thyroids are much more sensative than a mans, but is does sound like a possible hormonal prob too.
thompson said:
Thanks alot for the responses. I thought about the muscle loss thing too. The thing is that the human boby naturally works on negative biofeedback. The body lowers t4 and in turn t3 output when it senses famine approaching. We shortcut this through the T3 use. She also eats very frequently. Im so afraid to talk to her about lowering the T3 since she will definately rebound. She tried Zero carbs for a couple of weeks but had no energy to train. She is now doing the Zone which she likes. It seems like she has to be on 110% for weeks to lose a pound or two, but one messed up meal and she gains it all back. She wont get naked in front of me, take showers with me, and isnt even all that interested in sex anymore. She is depressed for days on end and has very low self esteem now. I dont know what to do. I would like to find a trainer/nutritionist to work with her.... something. Any first hand ideas from women?????????????

I am not familiar with the Zone, but if you eliminate high glycemic carbs then insulin levels will be lower and insulin sensitivity will improve.
Let's slow down guys. Let's look at what has changed:

She's a couple years older.
She's on the pill.

What was she taking when she was at the leaner 120lb body weight? When were you using clen (when she was leaner)?...

Sounds to me like you started her off losing weight most recently with anavar and T3? Did you try losing the weight with just good old exercise and diet?...

What pill is she taking?...

homonunculus said:
Let's slow down guys. Let's look at what has changed:

Sounds to me like you started her off losing weight most recently with anavar and T3? Did you try losing the weight with just good old exercise and diet?...


I'm with Randy. I read this and couldn't understand why the bf & all the posters jumped right on the pill-wagon. What ever happened to good old fashioned excersize? I work-out, try to eat right & occasionally take something to speed up my motabalizm.

Sounds like she needs to get off everything for a while. Being put on the pill can do a lot to your body alone. It usually takes 3-4 months for your body to adjust to that alone. She will be holding water & a little fat till then.

You mentioned she didn't have a period for a while. Is that why she was put on the pill? Some women stop having one from working-out.

If I were her, I'd take a couple weeks off & let my body get back to "normal".
I would say taper off the T3 (way to high) and take a hard look at what she is eating.
Log everything - most people are amazed by the fact they are not eating as they think they are once they log it.
Eat clean and train.
Take your time and drop the fat, there is no quick fix and your body will want to save fat if you try and drop it too fast.
CCapel said:
Log everything - most people are amazed by the fact they are not eating as they think they are once they log it.
Eat clean and train.
Take your time and drop the fat, there is no quick fix and your body will want to save fat if you try and drop it too fast.

good advice for everyone :thumbsup:
That is all great advice. Now I think why I am so confused will become more apparent.
At her leanest she was taking nothing. We started the different drugs about 6 months ago for the first time. She responded well. Then she came off. At that point she didnt keep a food journal. Then she started the pill (she had been having periods for a few months by this time)
Her weight then began to really bother her. Now she stepped up her training and started logging everything, then we started the 20mcg of t3 and so on.. Its been a couple of months and the weight.... well youve seen my other posts.
So Do you think its a combination of the birth control and maybe a natural slowing of the metabolism??
That still doesnt explain the lack of weight loss from the astronomical T3 and low calories. Welive together and she is very strict ( strict enough for both of us) so I know she doesnt cheat. She is miserable. She is my life, but she is so distraught. She doesnt want to eat at all now and she knows that is terrible, but we just dont understand it.
wow, I know other have said this, but the first thing she needs to do taper off the T3. Second, if she exercises that much, she should up her caloric intake.

clean diet and that much exercise should keep her lean by itself.
thompson, hang in there, man and tell your wife I (we) said so, too!!!

I'm very glad KR's lady chimed in here. Maybe some of the other ladies will as well. OC's do tend to add weight or at least make weight loss more difficult for many women in my experience.

If it ain't broke, don't fix it - she was looking her best when she was clean! I agree with the sentiment that she should taper off the T3 and resume a normal caloric intake level and let things balance out. Then you can consider the effects of the OC on her weight. Perhaps another OC might work well. There are some that women take that some women miserable (menstrually, energy level wise, bloating, weight gain, etc.), whereas other OC's are barely noticeable. It seems to be very individualistic.

I see where you were comin' from with your approach - she was frustrated and you wanted to get from point A to B ASAP.

People come to me for training now and again and I'll often hear that they want to look like they did X years ago. When I ask what they were doing THEN, they might say they were playing a lot of soccer and doing situps in the morning. I tell them - OK, if you liked doing that (and still can), let's do that again!!! Find a league and start doing those situps!

If it ain't broke, don't fix it. The solution's right there. That, plus some time to make it work, and you'll be golden. (Hope this helps!)

I don't know about the T3 and anavar, but I can tell you that its very hard for me to lose weight while I'm on the pill. Maybe she could try a different pill with lower estrogen or just a different combination of hormones. I've heard great things about the Yasmin pill. I wonder if some of her depression could be related to the pill and not just the weight gain? I've had girlfriends that have to shop for one that doesn't affect their moods for up to a year. Tell your fiance chin up, I bet she's still beautiful and will work through this!