alchole test



how long will alchole stay inmy system...5'1 105..i had 4 drinks
15 hours ago
Depends on how strong the drinks were and if you had anything to eat before you drank. It should be gone for the most part. But if you are being tested in may show small amounts.
I agree, what were the drinks? One time I blew a .27 in the night time and was taken into jail. The next morning, 8 hours later I blew a .13. They say your burn .2 every hour.
Hey JW, I got you beat!!! My best was a .29 and I almost passed the DUI test. It must have been the **** that kept me on an even keel.
A drin is a drink is most cases... a glass of wine=a beer=a shot of some hard liquor (in most cases, for instance vodka)

Alcohol clears the system extremely fast, I wouldn't be worried.
1.5 shots of 40% spirits is 1 beer in Canada (5% alcohol beer). They're both considered 1 standard drink. I took the "smart serve" course in order to serve alcohol in a legal establishment. They say you burn 2 standard drinks per hour assuming you're a 200lbs man of normal bodyfat.