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ketosis and the DUI breathalyzer

If you are coming out of ketosis you can fail a breathalyzer after getting pulled over,

I read this a long time ago so I just did a search on google and found tons of hits but this one explains it the best.

You have been on strict high protein diet and then introduce carbohydrates, thereby triggering auto-generated alcohol production when ketones are converted to isopropyl alcohol (or the "auto-brewery" syndrome). Can also cause a sweet "fruity" smell on the breath of some subjects.

the breathalyzer cannot tell a diff between ethyl alcohol and isopropyl, or even acetone for that matter.

So just tell the cops that you just ate your first carbs in a long time and any lawyer worth his salt could get you off.

but you shouldnt drink any way, we need our livers for other things!:D
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That would suck to have them haul you downtown cause you were drunk on carbs!!!

I would assume that you could ask for a blood test if you had to.