NO rec. drug talk at all...


We have a policy of zero tolerance for rec. drug talk here at MC. I do know that other boards have similar stances and still allow some selective posting of rec. drugs but we do not.

I don't care if you post that your grandma got into your stash and ODd while naked on your living room couch, masturbating with a butt plug still in her. Yes, it would be a funny post but it is not allowed if there is any rec. drug talk.

Thank you and you are now being returned to the previously scheduled program.

This is one of the best rules we have here, we've lost too many people/sources that got mixed up with rec drugs.

If you deal with a source currently and they have rec drugs on their list, then I would suggest looking for another one.
I visit a lot of other boards and it always bugs me when people get on certain subjects. I'm on the boards to talk about bodybuilding not getting stoned...there's other places to go for that.
Doesn't Elite allow that type of trash? Sorry but I hate that board it is just way too commercial and business oriented. Way too many eyes on their too even before the DNP case with that member of their's dying.

Good call on the no-recs talk! Most destroy the body anyway so I don't understand why people who train and eat right want to use such stupid/dangerous crap and mess the body and mind up. Seems very contridictory to a healthy, fit lifestyle. Whateva??
If you're talking about G** then the beneficial efx are very limited as to the benefit b/c when the GH rises so does the female hormone (pregnelone...I think that is the one). In a study of japanese men GH rose 6x normal levels and the female hormone rose 11x normal levels which isn't good. As for sleep there is better stuff that will help you stay asleep longer (than 3-4 hours and waking b/c of dopamine rush due to prior suppresion due G*B ingestion).

ZMA, GH, glutamine, arginine, etc, gaba, etc. No need to talk about the slight benefit of the rec drug which is not what this board is about. If you want to talk about rec drugs then go to which has all sorts or morons testing new plants and chemical while destroying their already weak minds.

Btw~ hope this post wasn't breaking rules b/c I tried to put ** through anything referring to what some know as a rec drug. Nor was I trying to start a conversation on it...sorry.