Were can I get IGF-1 LR3?

huntergatherer said:
i don't think you can buy igf1lr3 anymore

From all of the info that I have received and I have received information from people who will remain anonymous, IGF is basically gone with the exception of quantity that may be left over and some ballsy company might want to try and sell it "under the radar" so-to-speak.

However, if you see anyone advertising it and/or trying to be sneaky about advertising it, I would stay very far away. Gropep is none too happy that their product has been being distributed so cheap before they can even get it to market. They are on a very active and vigorous legal rampage right now. I would recommend staying clear of them.

Just my opinion.........

This is bullshit, why can we not get it!! I cant belvie this is such a big deal. Were the hell is lab corps when you need them
Supra said:
This is bullshit, why can we not get it!! I cant belvie this is such a big deal. Were the hell is lab corps when you need them

I am not in the loop so to speak, but from what I have been reading on MC it appears as though there may be some infringement on patented products...just an educated guess on my part.
If this is indeed the case then there is a possibility of a lenghty lawsuit in the making....and all companies will go into hiding, if not disolve altogether.
Hopefully someone from within will get the bright idea to reopen under a different name and offer products that were already available that are not under patent by someone else.

Well hindsight being 20-20, I should have ordered a stash of desireable products including IGF-1lr as I believe this is the product that is hanging everything up. I read on one site, can't remember if it was a mag article or on basskiller, but the interviewee was pretty convincing in saying that IGF would be gone as we know it in the very near future. Too little, too late on my part and many others I am sure.....