the events of my mourning so far


New member
so i got the gym to do my am cardio and i put my gallon of water on the pedel thing of the epliptical machine and my cell phone in the cup holder then i procced to walk 5 feet to get a magazine and when i turn around to come back theres this 60 year old lady gettin on my machine i said miss i was on that she goes so what i didnt see u i said miss my water and my cell phone were both on the machine she said ppl leave them there all the time so i goto get the gym manager dude cause she would not get off my machine and it was the only one that was free and she didnt even listen to him so i procced to curse the bitch out for 10 min while she was on it and i had no shame stupid cunt i told her i hope she dies any way after all that and i do my cardio which i do on a empty stomach so im tense already i come home and i sit down and start eating my breakfeast and 2 jahova witnesses come to the door with therre kids and ring my bell and i dont answer it so they procced to stand there and stare at me throught the window for 15min while my dog is flipin out

fuckin horrible i tell you
There are some 60 year old ladies at my gym that don't have a clue about gym etiquette either. That's what sucks about certain gyms, you got hardcore bodybuilders tryin to get it done while idiots are gettin in the way left and right. I would have told her off too. As for the jahova's witnesses, I thought you were gonna say you bitched them out that would of been funny.
and to think they say chivalry is dead!

I totally get what you are saying. My gym has its flock of old people that think they own the place 'cause they've been coming there ever since the decor was actually in style.

But (and you guys can flame me for this) those kinds of outbursts are exactly the reason why BBer's get the bad temper stigma.
Man that is not a good way to start the day. I finally bought a treadmill so I don't have to go to the gym in the morning for cardio.