Strider or others


New member
Hey Strider
Got a question for you. I read on one post that you have used M4-AD. Was wanting to see how it worked out for you, good or bad? Was thinking of producing it for my supplement line. Also thinking of doing a run of Methyl-Dien. But wanting to get more feedback before I get allot of money invested. Anyone that has input please post.

will i get free samples? lol j/k
Heres what I am currently taking in that direction and doses as well.
Methyldienolone 2 milligrams a day
M1T 10mgs a day
M4-AD 50-75mgs a day

On the Methyl-D I love that stuff great response factor and great pumps
M1T some sides sucked so I added the Methyl-D and I dont have any sides now, great pumps
M4-AD great stuff I had to up the dose to 50-75 it wasnt doing much at low doses.
I gained12 pounds on the M4-AD in 4 weeks at 50mgs for 1 week, then 75mgs 2nd and 3rd week and 50mgs 4th week.
M1T i got amazing pumps at 20mgs a week but my sides were bad and i lowered the dose i gained about 4-5 pounds a week with no bloat, i dont know long term i added the methyl-D at week 2 and that shit rocks.
i recommend these prohormones to anyone looking for a great legal cycle. just do some research and learn what works for you. One more thing i never had a plateau on these either.

Carry them if its financially feasable i used them when they first came out and it cost me $240. but i had to know.
carry them for a good price and I will stock up before they ban them too since right now they are in a legal loophole as is fina, they will both become controlled soon.
Thanks for the info man. Working on getting them right now. Will let everyone know when it gets done. Also don’t talk about banning supplement! Man I like my job! LOL I don’t want to go back to being a porn star again.
The money is good, unless you sign a contract to do what they say and with what,,,(shivers)