Calves baby


New member
Calves are my favorite exercise. What some good exercises yall do for them

I do Donkeys, Standing, Seated, Leg Press, Squat Raises, One Leg Rasises.

What you guys do, lets share some secrets and workouts
I have a real right calve problem; it's seriously under developed incomparison to my left. I'm in the midst of trying to just workout that calve alone with standing and seated calve raises.
Do this still work out your left, but only do 2 sets a week on it, hit your other one with everytthing you got, if you take IGF shoot that in your right calve, that will fix it!
shooting igf in ones calf isnt the soundest of advice,lmao but hey it might work,lol, as for me i hate fucking calves and i do straights and bents for them bout it
I love calves man, I will take some pics and show ya mine soon.

So you ever train them?
ofcourse i do them bro, i would look quite funny if i didnt, i just hate training them with a passion
jaywooly said:
to train them is a must but I wouldn't stick a neddle in then, no matter how small it was!

amen to the no needle in them, i would never ever stick these things
LOL, I am a crazy fucking marine guys, Proud13 told me to do!!! HE TOLD ME TO!!! ROFLAMO!!!
You guys do know that you can do site injections with IGF, right? Thats one thing it is good for!!