help with 'snacks'....please



Hello I was wondering if I could get some help with what I'm eating.
I'm trying to break bad habits and am chosing and making healthier foods and trying to space them a few hours apart. (I found that smaller portioned meals every 2-1/2 to 3 hours keeps my appetite down and stops me craving junkfood all the time.

My problem is that I am trying to be conscious of my carb intake. All of my small meals during the day all seem to involve bread some way or another...toasted tuna on english muffin, toasted tomato sdwch, bagel, even cereal.....isn't all that bread = carbs?

I feel like I'm eating healthy but am I shooting myself in the foot?
...if so can anyone suggest any small snack type foods when fighting hunger that is lo in carbs?

thanks in advance for any help with this:)
