Smelling ammonia every morning after stacks


Staff member
Man every morning i swear I go into ketosis,lol, I smell ammonia and breath it like im precontest or some shit,lol, cant bring myself to eat for about an hour after i wake up and take a stack , anyone else breath that ammonia smell when their carbs are way too low!
speaking of ketosis ive never gone to extreme but when ever i cut my carbs and hit a high protein diet i occasionally get those dizzy spells where i feel like i have low blood sugar is that common to all? to reach ketosis you have to drop under 20g and i usually dont go below 70-80g so should i be worried if i try togo xtreme?
Nah I wouldnt worry about it bro, Im light in the head myself,lol, seriously though dont go to long ya know:eek:

8:am sniff sniff .....................yep smelling it now!