Need help with M1T


New member
Guys I got my m1t and methyl -d and need to know how much I should do EOD/ED. M1t is 10mg per ml and methyl -d is 1mg per ml
I would run the M1T @ 10-20mg ED and the Methyl D @ 2-3mg ED to start. You can adjust from there.

I started my first M1T cycle @ 10mg Ed, bumped it up to 15mg ED, and was happy with my gains at that dose.

Thats a good dosing schedule bro..
If you start feeling lethargic with the M1T dose lower it to 10mgs a day I started taking mine at night and took the methylD at 3mgs every day 2 before training and 1 in the evening.
Its better to take the M1T with food so it doesnt upset your stomach preferably carbs to help give you some energy.
I did get that side from it I just tried to take naps but if that is not possible take some carbs with it that will help and if it gets bad enough where you dont want to train hard go anyways and try that if not try taking it with your evening meal everyday.
Just my experience.
I had great gains off the M1T and Methyl D at 10mgs a day for 1 week then 20mgs a day at weeks 3-5 then off of M1T
MethylD was 3mgs a day at split doses.
Take Clomid at the end.
you guys realy need to try the M1,4 add you would think this shit was real by the gains you get from it,
dreamcatcher said:
Guys I got my m1t and methyl -d and need to know how much I should do EOD/ED. M1t is 10mg per ml and methyl -d is 1mg per ml

i did 20mg for 6 weeks, good results, pretty bad sides effects in the first week or so (dry throat, high blood pressure) but it subsided
I've been taking the Methyl-D for about 2 weeks now. The stuff made my BP go real high, especially during my workout. It's starting to level off now.

Should I take the M1T along with the Methyl-D? I though they were one of the same, just the MD didn't have the lethargic sides as well as the bloating?!?
some people stack em bro, depends on ur goals I suppose and tolerance for sides, the m1t is nothing to make light of, if ur BP was high on methyl-d then I wouldnt mess with the m1t at the same time bro