What's with all the negative press on AAS?


New member
I started AAS last year when I was found to be as far as I am concerned going through male manopause at age 37. Crap I was crying at the end of chick flicks more than my wife!

I was a wreck and my emotions were all over the place (too much estrogen) my test level was around 180-190. I was tired, bitchy, and it was like pulling teeth to work out.

Then finally I started with test enth. replacement and all of that crap turned around and I'm feeling the best I have in years. And for the most part I see nothing but benefits even for those who want to push it to the extreme.

I would really like to hear others opinions as to why the press and gov't are gunning for AAS? It really makes no sense.
assholes who abuse it, then shit their livers out and scream juice did it to them,

Honestly though its a joke, always has ben always will be, one day someone will have the sense to change the many laws that are waisting our tax dollars. the whole war on drugs is a joke.......yes I could go on forever with this topic:angry:
I agree with you 100% I am tired of the gov't trying to "protect us " from ourselves. (seat belt laws etc...)

If someone wants to get crazy with anything and go into a meltdown they will find a way no matter what roadblocks are in place.

They assume everyone will go off the deep end like we are unable to make informed decisions.
I really can't think of a GOOD reason the gov't is coming after steroids like I can't think of a good reason they were banned in the first place. Irregardless of the possible side-effects, all AAS does is help build muscle. Why that would be a problem is beyond me. One thing I am tired of is those in positions of authority using the 'We got to protect the kids" rationale. They 'protect' kids and deny adults the ability to make reasonable decisions concerning our own bodies. I guess there isn't a large enough supplement lobby (meaning large campaign contributions) in DC to prevent the assholes from coming after the supplement industry. Lookout, civil liberties are next - oops, they already gotum!
The government bans AAS and puts it in the same class as coke,meth and all those other drugs. My only questions are these. How many people die everyday from AAS use, how many people die everyday from tobacco? How many people get killed everyday from someone going into "Roid Rage"? How many people die everyday because of a drunk driver? Its all F'ed up!
As long as you're that angry, think abouit this. Back around 1982 when all the anti-AAS legislation was passed, even the American Medical Association made it very clear that they were not controlled substances. In fact, see if you can find even one medical text which recognizes them as such