I am going to share with you a secret of mine ARE YOU READY


Staff member
Ever see guys onstage with nipples like utters, yuk right? Absolutly! Though many many competitors have gyno and it looks awful off the stage but when on the stage no more flabby ass nipples! not that mine ever are please note!! lmao

anyhow the secret is this
Epinephrine. The strength is 1:100,000 0.5 cc with a 30 ga pin. You can find that strength premixed with a numbing agent (lidocaine 1% ) sold under the brand Xylocaine with Epi
there are also generics ,all are Rx.
It makes your nipples go from flabby quarters to tight little dimes. Epi is a vasoconstrictor that also causes contraction of the involuntarty circular muscles responsible for nipple erection.

The old preperation H usta have Epi in it and thats why you still hear the myth of prepweration H working for this problem. The current version of preperation H has no epi in it. I've never tried to compound my own a topical by using epi but that's something else you could play around with.

This secret was handed down to me from a very well edumacated man,lol

anyhow this is what they give you to tighten up nipples after gyno surgery so they can get the stitches in properly, Keeps ur nips tight for hours, plenty of time t get through prejudging and if ya like hit em up again for the night show!!

you need to hit just outside the nips arioala** at 12oclock 3oclock 6 and 9 oclcock

This has been todays competitors secret of theday part one! lol
I just have the the old lady bite em! that keeps em hard for about 1.5 hours and it doesn't cost me a dime.
ok, so i have 8 amps of epi. this should be enough for both nips right?

lol. how much for each poke?
Presser said:
will it cost me anything to have her bite mine? lmao

hahaha. we could probly work somethin out presser. lol. shes very good ya know, not too rough not too gentle, yet very effective.

This is great to know, Presser you never cease to amaze me...LOL Now if we can get a good hook-up on EPI (quietly and behind closed doors of course).