Cutlers bitch tits in MD this month


New member
cutler had some nice lil lumps in his photos in the issue of MuscleTechs magazine featuring muscular development i was reading today. HAHA! God i hate MuscleTech fucking bastards just waste paper.

But did anyone else see those perky babies?
all the pros have em bro, the trick is to hidem wel on stage
whats wrong with muscle tech? u talkin cell tech, nitro tech, shyt like that? i been usin that shyt...i'm confused...

no they over price and are bullshit in advertising.....just my opinion adn half my magazine is from ad pages
BB Mags

Bodybuilding mags in general are full of shit as everyone knows... I don't know how many times you can rewrite an article, but they seem to do it in every single issue ... ex: "Add An Inch To Your Arms in __ Days!!" And I just LOVE the way they show someone like Johnnie Jackson stirring a protein shake on one of the "Special 4-Page Ad Reports" ha! somewhat I mean... everyone knows that it's Designer Whey that provides the "Steroid Like Gains!" ...not Nitro Tech... sheesh!! ;)
BigNick -- i tried to PM ya, but it says your inbox is full... drop me a line when it has some room and I'll try again
WHAT??? designer is better than nitro tech? damn...who says, and where can i find info like this? i just started out in Feb, and have been making substantial gains, it's hard to know whats good and whats not. i thought muscle tech supps were tha shyt from the ads and the people in the ads. i'm on nitro tech/cell tech, testostrogain, and prolab zma. what should i know? what supps should i be taking? thnx guys.

You can take muscle-tech products if you like but alot of people think they are a waste of money. IMO these are the major supplements you need.




Vit C

Someone add somemore if you think they are worthy. There are many just take you pic. But for the money muscletech is just not worth it with so many other quality products out there.

There are also anabolics that are cheaper then most muscletech products.
If you really look close Ronnie Coleman has early stages of gyno,.Both Cutler's and coleman are not as bad as Paco Bautista's sand bags,.

You figure making all that money on contracts that they would get them cut out.
Also look at Craig Titus that mofo had hes cut out now he looks deformed, he chest sunked in,.:confused:


Bro before you get flamed this thread is talking about a Magazine, not a supplement company.

So please refrain from asking about Muscle Tech in this thread.