High Instensity and GH?


New member
I've heard that high intensity training will increase your growth hormone levels. If this is true what type of workouts are recommended for this. I'm guessin powerlifting and things of that sort. Anyone have info on this feel free.
I have read that short burst type training is best like power lifting and olympic lifting and then to get the hell out of the gym and not over train, but who knows
If you're going to do high intensity then be sure to sleep after you're workouts, eat within 1 hr after workout and provide enough carbs (simple are best) to restore glycogen stores to normal.

High intensity training can take a beating on your immune system so be sure you're recovering fully or using the right things that will shorten recovery like AAS.

ZMA will help with GH release at night along with stressful workouts (like high intensity). Also try to reduce your insulin levels and not eat foods that spike insulin since insulin shortens the life of GH.
High glycemic foods like carrots, white grapes, and sugary stuff like soda, white bread, processed foods, etc. Combine things with high glycemic index with protein and/or fats and the index changes and will be lowered. After a workout it's okay to have those high GI foods, esp. if your doing high intensity training which uses Type 2 and 2a muscle fibers. Those type of fibers are mostly if not completely anaerobic and use glycogen and to a lesser extent the the small amount of creatine stored in the muscles for ATP usage (ie-contracting or lifting heavy).

Do a search on www.google.com for 'glycemic index foods' and you should have yourself a good idea of what is high, low, good and bad if not a printable list of a website somewhere.