Unholy smell from high protein diet


Mc Vet
Hey I'm on my bulk cycle and I'm eating lots and lots of protein, eggs whites, fish, chicken, roast beef, ect. and I get those silent but deadly farts that make your eyes water from the fumes.

But once before someone suggested because of the amount of protein I was in taking I might need to use some supplement to help utilize it all, I don't remember what it was???

Does anyone know what I can take to help high protein absorption/utilization???
ginger root?

That will help my protein uptake, utilization, ect?

would you recommend fresh graded ginger root?
or powered supplement?

And hey thanks for the info!
The smell either from passing gas or if you stink when you sweat is because of eating red meat. I lived in Japan for while, and after being on a diet of vegetables and fish, you stop smelling bad--really. Well, you might have fish breath from time to time, but nothing a breath mint can't fix.

As far as uptake is concerned, all I know is that spicy foods containing capsaicin aid digestion if taken in moderately.
tieing a really plush soft pillow to your ass may help absorb some odor... kind of like putting baking soda in the fridge i guess you could say...
then if you have a little brother, you can leave the pillows on his bed before his girlfriend comes over...

gets rid of odor and brings family together...
lmao, ur fucked up man, haha but why stop there stuff a tampon up ur ass and a nice scented panty shield on ur pantys,lmao
Uhh yeah I think I'll just let em rip and light a match.

They do tend to linger in the padding,

I was just concerned about the HLC in my stomach turning all my protein into Co2 and sulfates, or uhh something.

But I'm going get me some ginger root, and maybe some incense to go with my 2-3 dozen eggs.
what????????? no tampon or panty liner for you? u dont know what ur missing bro,lol
i went thro all the fart,bloating problems before.and i found somethingswork wonder:

1: switch another brand of protein supplement

2: ginger root 1 gram

3:digest support{proteins,fats and carbs enzyme}

4: if you have a big meal{protein/carb}eat half of this,and then finish another half one hour later.

it works for me,it keep the gas and bloat min.hope this help.
I dont think its from the meat, but how many egg whites are you eating? I believe it may be from the sulfur in the egg whites. At one point I was on a diet that consisted of 20-30 egg whites a day and man could I clean out a room quick!!!!
yeah I'm eating like 18+ eggwhites in my shakes, I try to cut that with some carb foods so It won't be so bad.
When I was eating lots of egg whites every single morning I always had the shits in the afternoon, especially with the carton egg whites. Maybes its giving you gas intstead.
Ginger root did the trick, got some fresh Ginger rood from the grocery and eat a few shreds with my protein, works good.
CzarShel said:
Ginger root did the trick, got some fresh Ginger rood from the grocery and eat a few shreds with my protein, works good.

interesting man,never tried the raw ginger.do you think the raw one is better than the caps??
Yeah that's what I got fresh ginger root, I just shave off some slivers and take em with my high protein. I think the fresh is better because I'm sure the active compounds (I think they are called flavonoids) become less potent when dried and gel caped and sit on a shelf ect. :D