Women Drivers....


So I was driving back from the grocery store last night (actually my GF was driving, I was passenger). We're driving down a 2-lane road (one lane for each side of traffic). On our side there was a bike lane.

So the was two cars in from of us. The car ahead of the car right in from of us was making a left turn into a parking lot. They had our side stopped because they had to wait for the traffic coming towards them. So my GF gets the bright idea to pass them both using the bike lane.

The only problem is just as she started, the guy making the left was able to turn. That means the guy right in front of us starts moving right as we're along side him. Usually that's no problem....

BUT there was a parked car in the bike lane. Instead of slowing and letting the guy in the road pass us, she decides to try and make it. Damn, we made it by an inch! Only because the guy in the road slammed on his brakes.

I ask my GF what the hell she was thinking. She acted like it was nothing. So I am livid at this point. She finally snaps back, "Oh yeah, well I bet you or anyone of your friends would've done the same exact thing!" I though about it for a while and replied, "Yes, probably. But only to be an asshole. You did it because you thought it was okay."

What makes these chicks think it's okay? At least we know it's not and know we're risking shit. I still can't beleive she that that was the correct thing to do in that situation.

Sorry, had to vent.
I hear ya. I built a special harness on the passenger seat for when rhapsody decides to drive. She doesnt believe brakes excist. I used to look like this when driving along side her......

You used to look like johnny dep only when driving with her? Do you have a johnny dep face mask? Is it the Edward Scissor hands face mask?