trenabol depot


New member
British Dragon Trenabol Depot... anyone use this stuff yet??? I dont see it on there website...
they have trenabol ( trenbolone acetate) on the site but I have trenabol depot from them available to me also .Its supossed to be parabolan.. now I have anabolic 2004 and it lists parabolan as trenbolone hexahydrobenzylcarbonate.. and that requires only once or twice weekly injections as apossed to ED or EOD injections making blood levels more consistant any comment on this stuff I am thinking of trying it
my window was to small I went back and moved things around and found trenabol depot there thanks.... cant wait to try this stuff
jsut an FYI trenbolone acetate can be taken every third day too bro. its life is 3 days. you wont get the effects as fast but it will do the same thing with less injections.