Question about illnes


New member
what up bros-

i have a question

i had a sinus infection that has progressed & dropped into my lungs---

i am gonna go see the doctor today & will probably get a z-pack

should i keep my schedule of 100mg/prop eod?
or should i drop it until i am better?

i am only into my second week of prop, and my fucking asswipe roomate came home spreading his fucking germs everywhere & i caught it. I am sure being geared up didnt help my resistance any either.

any suggestions are appreciated

actually, all the research I have read being geared up does help your imune system. It doesn't make you superman though (even though you may feel like it) As far as quitting your cycle I guess it depends on how long you think you will be outa commision. if ony a few days and then you can go back to the gym I'd stay on. if its going to be weeks I would probalby stop........but thats just my opinion.
I agree, if it will only be a few days then just stay on. But please don't be a jack ass and go to the gym while your sick just to infect everyone else. After a hard work out immune system are very weak and its the optimal time to get sick. :(