receptor sites


New member
.OK this is a subject I know very little about. Are these sites specific for a certain AS? Meaning do tren and test hit different sites or do they compete for the same site?
If they have any semblance to testosterone itself, I'd say they compete for the same sites, however the way they act once they get there would be different. If all your products acted the same way on receptor sites, you probably wouldn't be able to get the cumulative effect that you get while on many different products--at least, that's the way I understand it. I'm sure someone else knows more about this.
if you are training and using AAS, your body is constantly creating new receptor sites. the more receptor sites you have, the less chance you have of getting sides.

this is why it's important to be a little older and have a few years of "natural" training under your belt before "taking the plunge" you decrease your chances of getting side effects as well as getting the most "bang for your buck" from your gear.
I dont think a receptor has multiple sites on it. The way I understand it a cell has different kinds of receptors such as the AR and estrogen, the number of each of these receptors can vary in each cell. Once a hormone binds to the receptor that receptor is used and then destroyed. So only 1 hormone gets to act on 1 receptor. Also I believe most hormone can bind to most receptors but with different affinitys. So testosterone can bind to the estrogen receptor but it has a very low affinity for this so it is more likely to bind to the AR. is belived that tren has some affinity for the progesterone receptor that is why some people claim the so called progesterone gyno from tren. I hope I made sense, I could be wrong but this is the way I understood all this.