

New member
i posted a thread askin about best tricep W/O and someone suggested Frech exactly is that am a newb to this site but NTL i have neverheard of this...someon help
French Press, aka Skull Crushers. Lie on flat bench and hold EZ curl bar (or str8 bar) straight in the air. Keeping elbows in, bend at the elbows and bring the bar close to your forehead. Then press the bar back to the starting position. This is a basic description, you may want to find a diagram or better description elsewhere on the web. Hope this helps.
sirben187 said:
French Press, aka Skull Crushers. Lie on flat bench and hold EZ curl bar (or str8 bar) straight in the air. Keeping elbows in, bend at the elbows and bring the bar close to your forehead. Then press the bar back to the starting position. This is a basic description, you may want to find a diagram or better description elsewhere on the web. Hope this helps.

Love it......I get great pumps
Sirben's description is pretty accurate, keeping your hands facing away from you and starting with elbows locked you lower the weight to your forehead or the bridge of yoiur nose. Bend at the elbows and keep your shoulders from moving...

great Tri exercise
This is my favorite tricep exercise. Man does it burn if done correctly. Always feel it the next day. Make sure you keep your elbows in though to get the full concentration, and squeeze at the end(top). These can also be done on a incline or decline bench, I prefer flat bench though.
Actually, the French press is done standing up with essentially the same movement with the arms up above your head, elbows in, bending at the elbows then lowering the weight behind your head. These are harder to do so you can't use as much weight as you can with skull crushers. I love skull crushers too, but I tend to get tendonitis in my elbows if I do too many of them.
french press

yeah.....where I'm from that is the description of a french press. Standing or seated....i prefer @ 80lb. dumbell so i can hold one end cupped in the webbing of both my hands together overhead then keeping the elbows stable....lowering only at the elbow...lower the weight behind the head as deep as possible then back up to extension. I try to maintain a 2:1 tempo.....but Im trying a new negatives thing so don't mind me!