How to Sub-Q shots?


New member
OK guys, I've been shooting IM for years but have never done anything Sub - Q. Any good links or advice?

thanks my brothers
Just search for a diabetic website...sub-q is how you shoot insulin.

You basically just take your insulin syringe, grab some skin/fat on your stomach and push the needle into the pinch of skin at a 45 degree angle.
BiggerStronger is right on is how you shoot HGH and insulin...Sub-Q.

Nice post BiggerStronger Iron Bro...
I hear it's possible to hit a vein doing sub-q....I've never hit one though.

This would be dangerous if you hit one while injecting insulin. Quickly onsetting hypoglacemia...

Make sure you're using real insulin syringes....27 or 29g 1/2"

You don't want to inject into ab muscles, lol.