How to get passed being sore!!!


New member
I just started my cycle of sus, and evey time that I inject that muscle os sore for like 3 days or more. I don't know if I need to go to a smaller needle or what but I was just wondering if anyone else has had this happen to them and how they fixed it.
what gauge are you using? also by saying "sus", do you mean test suspension or sustanon. if it's suspension, then that is very common. if sustanon this is also common, i believe it's the high ba content.
and also the iso prop cuass pain in some users with the sustanon as well, but like flex asked what guage we talking 23 cool, 22, cool, 21, cool, 20 yike, 19 ouch, 18 Holy Hell! lol
After drawing and putting on the pinning needle (if you change after drawing), heat the syringe under very hot water for 30 seconds or so. The plunger will want to go down faster with the oil hot, but take it nice and slow. Make sure its just hot tap water and not boiling, because the plastic on the needle melts fairly easily. After injection massage the site for a couple of minutes.
I have found that if I pin the muscle group that I am working out before the workout, I get no soreness what so ever.If I don't the prop hurts for a few days.