Great Joke


Okay, this joke involves you having to use your body so I'll just explain how to tell the joke.

Ask someone if they want to hear a joke. If they do....

Ask them, "Who has two thumbs and loves blowjobs?"

When they say "who?"

Point to yourself with both thumbs and say, "This guy!"
It actually is funnier when you say it to another guy, not as a pickup line.

The women dont seem to care for it at all.
Heres what I used to do in high school I d get a threded screw and pull the head off a barbie and put both in my pocket........Then I'd go up to some chick and say "hey wanna screw?" if she said yeah, then your in but if she gets all offended pull out and hand her the screw like it was a joke all along, then after she laughs say "hey how about a little head?" if she goes for it great, if not hand her the littile barbie head and laugh, them maby to get her to come over and get drunk :)