No Pain No Gain


New member
ok, in the past I had a chest accident, keeping a long story short I basically couldnt work on it for a few months.
Yesterday I hit the gym and decided to give it a shot, everything went well, however, Im getting that "newbie" burn in my chest.
This morning I could barely move my arms in a backwords rotation... Im pretty sure this has nothing to do with my past injury and it all because of the workout.... its the same burn you get when you lift weights except its 100 times worse cause its in an area which hasnt been worked out in awhile.... what can I do to speed up recovery? Tried a hot shower, didnt really help...

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Eat as much as you possibly can, and get a couple of nights of good sleep, you need the protein and nutrients in the food to repair the muscle tissue and make it stronger, and during sleep is when most of this growth and repair take place.

Don't over due it give the muscle time to repair but at the same time keep working out your muscle on a regular basis, say 3-4 times a week by week 2 you probobly will notice the post workout soreness has gone and been replaced with added strenth
If I get some severe muscle pain, I will often use a product called 'salonpas.' It is a kind of patch like the icy/hot pain patches except they have menthol/camphor in them, and they are smaller (almost business card size) and stick better (you can get them at Walmart). I put them on at night because you feel them almost immediately, and they last for eight hours. Combine with deep massage (hurts like hell, but feels sooo good) and soaking in the tub with hot water. That dilates the blood vessels so they can carry away the lactic acid quicker. Add all this to what CzarShel said.
i've even iced really sore muscles aswell, mostly only my bi's though because the inside of my elbow gets the most pain. not sure if it is the right thing to do but it works for me.
yeah that sucks, but you gotta start somewhere bro. once your muscle get used to your workout it will all be crums and cake!:)