4AD with AAS (Y/N)


New member
Will using 4AD during a AAS cycle hinder the gains of the cycle? I don't really much care if it will be synergstic or even works, I just wan't to make sure that it will not hinder my gains from the AAS I am using. Just a simple Yes or No. Thanks guys. :)
It very much depends on which aas you are using.
Its negatives should be minor though (to the extent that the test binds to the receptors and blocks deca, nandroline, etc.. OTH these bind much more strongly than test to those receptors if they bind first)).
Planning on using it for 2 weeks. My cycle will consist of Test, EQ, NPP, Tren and Winny. Should I use the 4AD before I start the cycle, a few weeks after starting the NPP....?? Or is the difference really so minimal that it can be ignored....since it will be a relatively long cycle (22wks).