what is

They are used for post cycle theropy (pct).

Just out of curiousity, why do you want it? You should know about them prior to the use of AS.

why do yall say i sound suspicous when i ask where to get clamid
im new to this im sorry first time no i dont know shit i took deca cause my homeboy did and he got a lil swole so i took it. then i got on the net to see if i could find it cheaper and got this web site. so i will not ask where to get anything any more but i do need advice cause i dont know shit . can any one tell me basic prices of shit so i know if i getting ripped off. price of test 400
deca300, an clamid or what ever i need to come down off the deca300:cool:

You need to do a little research and read some posts. You can find the information quite easily!

Re: why

southside said:
why do yall say i sound suspicous when i ask where to get clamid
im new to this im sorry first time no i dont know shit i took deca cause my homeboy did and he got a lil swole so i took it. then i got on the net to see if i could find it cheaper and got this web site. so i will not ask where to get anything any more but i do need advice cause i dont know shit . can any one tell me basic prices of shit so i know if i getting ripped off. price of test 400
deca300, an clamid or what ever i need to come down off the deca300:cool:
you probably wont find prices on here, but do a search for pct and clomid and you'll find out all you need to know. we don't give out sources here.
England said:

You need to do a little research and read some posts. You can find the information quite easily!

Bump, I bet you get your answers in less than a half hour of reading!-wheelz
my results

well i gained 20 lb went up 50lb in my bench and look nice so i guess it was not so bad my piece even got bigger so i guess it works different on different people
been off two weeks with no clamid or any other comedown. still feel fine still strong
all in a 7 week period. all i wanted was some advice oh well :D

Actually if you read the above responses they gave very good advice. If you are looking for a mentor then you are indeed correct in your surmise that this is probaly the wrong place and time to ask.