Okay this may sound stupid, and all


New member
Okay just help out, What exactly is bloat? is it serious and what can i do to stop it ? does it occur only during gear cycle? So laugh away if you feel like it, but just help out please.....lol man do i feel embrassed!!!
all it is, is the water retention caused by the higher levels of test in the body (and estrogen) it is not a big thin but a dead give away that you are on (known as puffy face) this can be halted by the usage of Liqua-Dex or armidex (sp)
some say that if you watch your sodium intake and drink lots of water it will help. otherwise like shiko said use liquidex or Arim. If you wear long sleave shirts it will hide alot because my face hardly gets bloated its my body that gets bloated.
more water in more water out..thats another reason we up our water intake on cycle..bumpin shiko
hmmmmm...this thread is missin something....ohh yeah now i know what it is....i approve...