What does everybody think of ab and back machines?


Master of His Own Universe
At my gym there are two machines,(one for back and one for abs), both weighted and both in a sitting position. i have tried them several times and noticed that it is quite easy to do all the weight the machines have to offer (200lbs) and you are never put through full extension or flexion, just from sitting straight up to chest just above knees. I was wondering if you guys/gals think these machines are helpfull to strenthening abs & back or just harmful to your spine, cause i never really feel any kind burn or exhaustion in the target muscles, just an aching feeling in my back.?
personally i don't think they work the way they are supposed to... I think if you concentrate the pushing with only your abs then I think it's possible to get a decent weighted workout but the problem is that the only way to push the weight is with your upper body so the responsiblity falls on your own will power to not push the weight with anything but your abs...

the back machine I think is OK but again a lot of tension and pushing comes from the rest of the body and the fact that you're locked into it makes it too easy to use your entire body to push the weight
The ab machine targets mainly the upper abs so it does help a little bit, but for full ab development, there really is no substitute for the full range of motion. I like to lay on an declined bench and do sit-ups while holding a plate on my chest, and then there's hanging crunches for the lower abs. For the back, there is nothing like deadlifts. I think the back machine is a waste of time for the serious bodybuilder/weightlifter, but it is probably just fine for someone just wanting to get a little more "fit."
I like using the ab machines in addition to my other ab exercises.

The problem with most ab machines is this: They have some sort of "Lock-In" mechanism for your feet or legs which gives you added leverage and lets you kind of cheat your abs.
Take a look at the picutre below, see how he can put his legs behind the bar. That gives him more leverage to move the weight and not really use his abs.


Whenever I use ab machines, I'll let my feet dangle freely so that the only thing I can use is my abs. If you do this as well, I gurantee you won't come close to doing the stack and you'll get a great ab workout :)

I pretty much stick with dumbells for my back workouts, maybe some cable rows if I want to mix it up a bit more.
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i personally just love the floor. and maybe a swiss ball, nothing like old reliable crunches. and the bicycle kick is one of my favorites aswell.
My favorite thing to do for Abs is just to throw a 35 - 50 pound Plate Weight on my chest and just do sit ups and incline sit ups. Work it heavy like any other muscle.

For lower abs, you can buy some 10pound ankle weights and do leg lifts. Those are where you lay flat on your back with your legs straight out, then raise your legs slowly until your toes are pointed to the ceiling, then lift your butt up off the floor a little bit towards the ceiling, then back down to where you started. This really hits the lower abs!