hydrostatic body fat testing?


New member
Im intrested in getting a accurate reading of my BF%. Who here get their body fat tested hydrostaticly? Is your body fat higher or lower then you expected? Also how did you find a place that tests body fat hydrostaticly?
a lot of colleges can do it. my bodyfat was higher than i thought when i had it tested because it's so accurate. if you can't find a place to get yourself hydrostatically weighed, electrical impedence is also very accurate. all they do is send a current from your wrist to your ankle...then plug it into some calculation with your hieght + weight.
I am going to get mine tested again in 2 weeks for some Firefighter Fitness testing. They hook us up to some electrodes, shoot some electric impulses through the body and then tell me I'm fatter than I think I am :(

I get it done at a University in my city. You can probably go to any college or university, head down to the phys. ed department and ask around for who to talk to. You'll probably have to cough up some $$ to get it tested.

Personally, I think one of the better ideas is to buy a bf% scale for home. Yea, it might be off a few percentage, but as long as it is consitent, you'll know if you're gaining or losing.

Example: Lets say your bf% scale is off 3% and it says your 18, but your really 15. Next month, you measure at 16, but you're really 13. Well, at least you still know you lost 2% right? And isn't that the whole point anyhow? Just to keep track.
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