How long should I take Off?


Master of His Own Universe
football season just ended. how long do you guys think i should rest until getting back really heavy in the gym. cause i have a few small injuries like tendon pain (shoulders & knees) should i do nothing at all for a while or start slowly and build it back up incremently?
When I've had tendonitis like that, I will take a week off, then start back in with a lighter weight. For example, a while back I had some knee tendonitis so I took a week off to let it heal, and then I backed the weight down from 315 to about 275 at the heaviest set and made sure I kept correct form--squatting slowly at first so that I didn't reinjure myself from sudden movements that might throw my form off. Stretching well afterwards also helped. Only you know the severity of your pain, so you'll have to adjust accordingly to how you feel.
their is no set time to take time off. lissen to your body. if you think you need some time off, you do!
I would just stay away from exercises that involved the sore or hurt muscles.

I hurt my shoulder while doing military presses last year and took 2-3 weeks off from any exercise involving shoulders to let it heal.

Working out a bodypart that is injured could only delay the healing at best and could potentially cause a serious injury putting you out of the game for months.

Did you go and see a doctor to have yourself looked at or diagnosed? What did they tell you?

Like mentioned above, listen to your body. It will tell you how it feels :)
i'm actually feeling pretty good, i hit bi's and back on tuesday, took a day off yesterday and today, depending how i feel i am going to do my powerlift day today (clean &jerk, dead lifts) i feel useless if i can't work out, like i'm wasting oxygen for those who need
i'm prolly gonna start on plyo's next week depending on the feeling of my knees. i have cut out squats and replaced with high step ups. we'll see how things work out. thanks for advice everybody.