Biceps! What exactly would you consider "excessive training"?


New member
The bicep is a relatively small muscle, and there really is only one movement. Therefore I hear a lot of people saying you really only need to do 1 to 2 exercises for biceps at high intensity, which should be sufficient. Hell, some even say you don't need to train them directly at all.

But is this entirely true? For such a long time, literally years, I trained biceps like I would a big muscle group, with 3 to 4 exercises (db/bb curls, hammer curls, reverse curls, etc) and I noticed great gains. But the obvious remark to that from those who believe 1 to 2 exercises is enough would be, "Yeah, and you didn't need to that much frequency" - BUT - when I tell people how much I can curl straight bar, and preacher ez-curl, they're either amazed or assume I'm lying.

Can this be directly attributed to my "excessive" bicep routine? I think so. But on the other hand, I also believe depending on your body's muscle fiber type, less can be more beneficial - or MORE can be more beneficial.

What is your take on this?

and btw, if you're wondering what I lift: (only recently have I began shifting emphasis away from my bi's - but today after a month of hardly hitting them, I hit 'em hard :))
Well the main reason you prob don’t seem to be growing and most important is your nutrition you apply to your every day life and knowledge on over all nutrition. I here this all the time that peeps say they just can’t grow, let me know what you eat and I mean everything..... Down from 1st meal to the last one of the day.... You should be taking in 6 meals a day and that doesn’t mean protein shakes or bars just cut that out. Give me your stats about your body and as said tell me what you eat everyday.... Also training is a big key when you hit the gym and any muscle groups if you want to grow then you need to lift heavy with good form and you got to break down those muscle fibers and really dig into it....... Drugs won’t do a thing and a lot of the guys I see at the gym take every drug and product out on the market and over saturate and don’t grow and have no proper nutrition and look like crap........ Ill help you out bro and I promise ill get size on to those biceps quick and that’s with out gear and just proper nutrition and training, 1st I want to go through your diet and see where your at then we will hit training and sup's....Also if your taking sups I want to know and that includes protein shakes and bars.... Then after we get your whole body growing ,send that credit my way bro!!! ;-) I always look forward to helping out people with their nutrition and training and all I ask in return is they listen and follow through. PM bro all that info and lets get you started.
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ProfitsWorld said:
Well the main reason you prob dont seem to be growing and most most important is your nutrition you apply to your every day life and knowledge on over all nutrition. I here this all the time that peeps say they just cant grow, let me know what you eat and I mean everything..... Down from 1st meal to the last one of the day.... You should be takeing in 6 meals a day and that doesnt mean protein shakes or bars just cut that out. Give me your stats about your body and as said tell me what you eat everyday.... Also training is a big key when you hit the gym and any muscle groups if you want to grow then you need to lift heavy with good form and you gotta break down those muscle fibers and really dig into it....... Drugs wont do a thing and a lot of the guys I see at the gym take every drug and product out on the market and over saturate and dont grow and have no proper nutrition and look like crap........ Ill help you out bro and I pormise ill get size on to those biceps quick and thats with out gear and just proper nutrition and training, 1st I want to go through your diet and see where your at then we will hit training and sup's....Also if your takeing sups I want to know and that inculudes protein shakes and bars.... Then after we get your whole body growing send that credit my way bro!!! ;-) I always look forward to helping out people with there nutrition and training and all I ask in reutrun is they listen and follow through.

oh hey man, thanks for the reply, but I didn't really post this thread asking for personal advice. I was just stating that I've received great results size-wise and strength-wise doing a higher frequency of exercises for biceps - a training style most would consider overkill for someone experienced in the gym.

as far as me having been at a plateau for such a long time, I perfectly know why :) It's because I don't get enough protein and enough complex carbs. my diet isn't up to par. I find it very difficult to get an adequate amount of protein because I'm very allergic to most of everything that is dairy - even the lactose free protein drinks. therefore, i do not take ANY protein supplements. hell - the only thing I stick in my mouth is food.

i just have to do more experimentation with a protein shake that will help me. and start obtaining more protein from food like tuna.

but yeah, as far as strength is concerned, i've reached a homeostatic point that won't allow me to further until i correct my diet.

For get the tuna you need be dropping in lean ground turkey, and chicken breat and readmeat and egg whites for carbs have yams, oatmeal, red potatoes, corn etc... and go head a bump carbs up by 1.5 serveings and thats good enough and throw in red meat 4 times a week for the fat and get ready to grow. As far as protein I am sure you know what amount you need, just figure out lean body mass index and punch the protein into that by 2 grams per lb and your good to go.