What the hell is wrong with BOLDENONE PROPIONATE ???



Ok, I've read on many boards that bold prop makes people sick, but I had to ascertain it myself. Here's my own experience :

On Saturday I shot 1ml of a bold prop/npp mixture into my right delt. The mixture contained 66.66mg bold prop and 33.33mg npp (bold:npp = 2:1, I got this ratio by brewing 4g bold and 2g npp into a 60ml injectable solution, 4%BA, 18%BB).
The results :
I did the injection around 15:00. At first, I really didn't feel anything, almost as though I hadn't done an injection. Around 18:30 it had started to hurt slightly, but it was so mild a pain that I neglected it and went to the gym. Around 21:00 I came back home, ate my meals and sat on the sofa to watch TV. That's when I noticed that I was feeling a bit cold, although it wasn't cold in my house. I immediately thought "that's the fever coming", and I was right. In the next couple of hours the feeling of coldness continued, accompanied by some weakness. Then the coldness was followed by warmth, which meant I had got fever. At 1:30 I took one Ponstan and one Ceclor tablet and went to sleep. Next day I woke up without fever but with a lot of pain around my delt. I couldn't touch it or move it at all. The pain continued all day. I also took another Ponstan in the afternoon for good measure (to avoid the fever bouncing back after Ceclor's action would had faded away). The pain continued throughout Monday, and indeed the skin over my delt and bicep had become red. The pain was so big that I hardly could move my arm. I spent most of that day lying in bed.

And today, all of a sudden the pain disappeared. I woke up and was surprised it went away so quickly.
There's still some slight pain and redness, but it doesnt't hinder me from moving my arm.

Now there are two questions :

1. WHY does boldenone propionate make most people ill ? Are the powders that are currently available of bad quality, or is this an inherent property of boldenone propionate, which contradicts to the common belief that different esters attached to the same base drug (boldenone in this case) only affect its half life, and all other biochemical properties stay the same.
2. If one continues taking it, will the body adapt to it and stop becoming ill, or will the same scenario repeat every time ?
from all the rreading I have been doing on this hormone it is due to its fast acting nature your system is not made to handle it and because it is so fast acting your body treats it like a bug or virus this is only my opinion but every board I go to with a bold prop thread says the same thing remember EQ is made for horses not humans (in most cases)
shiko24 said:
from all the rreading I have been doing on this hormone it is due to its fast acting nature your system is not made to handle it and because it is so fast acting your body treats it like a bug or virus this is only my opinion but every board I go to with a bold prop thread says the same thing remember EQ is made for horses not humans (in most cases)

This the first I have heard about bold prop or this sick feeling associtated with it. But if it is caused by what Shiko suggested, wouldn't make sense that users of a bold base would experience the same thing?
brew said:
This the first I have heard about bold prop or this sick feeling associtated with it. But if it is caused by what Shiko suggested, wouldn't make sense that users of a bold base would experience the same thing?

to be honest i do not know if that is why but every post I have read on about 10 boards about bold prop they are having flu like symptoms all I can guess is that the hormone is not made for human use in such a fast acting ester

but you are right bold base would be worse if this is the case
you really want to get sick! try boldenone acetate. talk about pain and sickness.....wow!

boldenone unless attached to a very long ester screws you up dude. sorry to have to tell you that. i bet you looked the balls though for a while huh? i took bold acetate and was sick as hell but 2 days after the shot i was more vascular and harder than with anything else i ever did!
I want to add another to the list of ill feeling short esters. My friend shot 75 mg of Methenolone Acetate yeterday morning. About 10hrs later he felt real weak and cold this apparently progressed till he was wrapped in blankets with cold sweats and very pale. His girlfreind was actually trying to convince him to go to the ER, he looked that bad. Today he says its better, but still feels slightly out of it, and he has a dead leg, but no redness around the inj site. Just a little FYI.
Ok, two days later my freinds desides to try it again to make sure it was infact the gear that made him sick. Sure enough 6 hrs later the chills came and he spend his evening wrapped in blankets. That vials going to find it way down the drain I beleive.
Noooooooooooooooooo, thats supp abuse, dont do it. Never throw it away, why not dilute it or just cut it with something, but dont throw it away.
Fonz, its diluted down to 70 mg/ml. And its still crashing at 3.5 ba and 12 bb. Hurts like a mofo, but I can get past that. Its the severe flu like symptoms that come later I don't like. Even if he diluted it down, he would still be taking the same mg (75 EOD) just a bigger volume. I don't see how that would change the reaction to the compound. I just think its something about the short esters on some compounds that have a bad reaction, I'm not sure why yet, anyone else have an idea?