Vasopro, T or F


New member
I have been noticing a lot of small messages on most sites that sell this supplement. They went from 60 tabs to 48 at the same price and blame it on the DEA or is it the high demand?

I also see that it will soon be banned as well as E or they will go under new regulations.. T or F?

Oh boy......
Wouldnt surprise me since the ole ECA stack is still alive due to the sale of vasopro type supps.

Theres a reason ephedra, ephedrine and products containing them were banned. They are proven and effective fat burners and energy enhancers.........Much more pleasant to take that prescribed weight loss drugs such as phentermine, adipex, etc.........

Bottom line is ephedrine based products where a huge market and took a huge chunk of $$$ away from pharmaceutical companies...........Our gov and pharmaceutical companies have hands in each others pockets.......

Now with the ban taking place and much less effective OTC fat burners/energy enhancers theres an increase in wieght loss medication as well as amphetamine type products...........Do the math........This equals a whole lotta tax dollars going to uncle sam and the pharms.
look for bronkaid or primotest(?) asthma meds otc int store
at least in the states ive been in
same product
shouldnt get banned, it has guefassin in it so it cant be easily used to make meth amphetamine.