weekends off


New member
just woundering how many of you take the weekend off as far as eating? i like to eat a lot of crap and watch football on sunday!
I don't take weekends off, but that's just because my diet is only 85% of where I want it to be. I might slide here or there throughout the week, so taking it off on the weekend would be very bad for me.

If I did have my diet dialed in 100% I wouldn't take weekends off because, well. it's dialed in 100% :)

I don't take weekends off.
I take weekends off, but with much regret. Idealy I would only have one cheat day or maybe 2 cheat meals per week. The rest of the time I would like to be packing in the protein and good cals.
I do occasionally but not all the time.
Diet is way to important to me to fuck it up..
My diet is eating whatever I can get my hands on + 4-5 protein shakes a day. On Saturdays, I don't have any protein shakes, but eat a few extra meals.
It also usually depends on where I am.

If I'm eating at home, it's easy to stay clean. If I'm at a friends house or relatives you kinda just have to eat what's being served :)

If I know I'm going to be away from home, I usually try to pack a couple protein bars to snack on in between meals and to make sure I'm getting the calories I need.

A can of tuna is easy to pack as well. You can even buy cans of tuna already mixed with mayo these days so they are ready to eat when opened!

You can always throw some protein powder into a small plastic container to take with you as well.

Diet is all about pre planning. Cooking meals in advance. Doing your shopping for the week on Sunday, whatever works for you! Just make sure you have it planned out so that it will be convenient for you to eat clean.
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