


ok guys right now im about 280 not compleply out of shape but im back in the gym looking to loose as much weight as possible....not looking to even be musclar.....i was told to get down to about 225 winstrol could help alot as a fat burning agent, along with lots of cardio and a low carb diet.......

lemme know if there is n e thing i should add to this cycle
clen,eca t-3 good diet..lots of cardio in the AM on a empty stomach...that will burn the fat off not winni...primo would be a better choice..primo will add lean muscle in a calorie deficient diet...
bump, var is another that would do it. Deit and cardio are gonna be the key and not the drug. Defenitely get smoe ehpedrine hcl and make a good ECA stack.
brew said:
bump, var is another that would do it. Deit and cardio are gonna be the key and not the drug. Defenitely get smoe ehpedrine hcl and make a good ECA stack.

Add some gugglesterones in there as well to help speed up metabolism.

You don't need to take anything to lose that weight.

280? and you want to get down to 225?

I know you can do it without drugs. Especially since you're just starting.

- Go for a light morning jog
- Eat healthy and learn about proper diet.
- Don't eat sugary foods at night.
- Drink Water Not Coke or Beer

You'll be fine.

Good luck bro'
yeah bro, check out some other threads about diet and nutrition you'll find a lot of info on here.

- eat 5 or 6 smaller meals a day
-increase your protein intake
after you get that under control for a few weeks you're weight loss might slow - get an ECA stack or try Clen

Winstrol won't hurt because it would help you gain muscle and having more muscle will increase your metabolism thus helping you lose weight
I wouldnt evenspend the money on winny. I would make an ECA stack and do cardio 5-6X wk first thing in the morning on an empty stomach. Drink 1.5 gallons of water, nothing else. NO fruit juices, no milk, no sodas, and NO ACLHOL. Eat plenty of protein i would say 1.5 grams per lb of lean muscle mass and plenty of healthy fats. I would keep the workouts short and intense, make sure they dont go more than 45 minutes tops. And kill all carbs by the 5PM mark and perhaps even sooner depending on how your body reacts. Make sure your take a mulitvitamin/mineral and i would prob take some cranberry extract and milk thistle since your body may not be used to eating so much meat for your protein needs. Make sure you eat dark green veggies in every meal (high fiberous carbs). You should be eating 40 grams of fiber a day.
bro... let me repeat what some of the others have already said here... you DO NOT need steroids to achieve the goals you outlined above...

seriously think about at least trying to modify your diet first, if you'd like some help why don't you post your current diet and let some of the experienced guys here give you a hand...

if you have already modified your diet and have a good cardio routine going then you may want to consider an ECA stack to bump yourself over your plateau... then again you can usually get over a plateau with a small modification to your diet, even as simple as adding some carbs (in the morning)...

don't rush into winny with the hopes that it will carve weight off of you.. you will be disappointed and out some serious money and i won't even get started on the risk involved - i assume you already weighed out the risk to you based on your current health...

post up your diet and exercise program, let's get that cleaned up and get you moving on the right direction...

oh.. and if you scanned through it go re-read some of the previous replies... follow the advise given, da_fonz gave some great diet advise - read it again...

Most def, post your diet. I'm sure you we can get you where u need to be, but this wont be easy. You will have to stay focused and never loose sight of what it is thatb your trying to acheieve.
If healthy, I think low amounts are ok. You can keep muscle while on a diet and the cardio is going to want to burn some muscle as well. Low amounts of test has done well for me.