Liver question


New member
Guys , I went and had my blood work done and my liver is out of wack. all I know right now after testing twice is one number is showing 93 and the range they showed me was 40 to 70. my question is how bad out is that and what can i do to bring it back down. the doc is asking me how much i drink and I have told him twice, I dont drink so now they are sending me in for more testing. if this is just caused by my AAS use, which has been heavy in the last year. I was thinking , just back off for awhile and it will straighten it self out. what are your thoughts. Thanks guys
40 - 70 is the normal range of what exactly? (e.g. BUN, creatinine, etc.) Depending on the particular thing that is 'out of whack,' you might get a more specific answer that would be more helpful.
Yes, if you stop taking Anabolics your body will straighten itself out.

Your liver is a very tough organ.

As mentioned above, you can take some supplements for your liver and eat some good dark berries like blueberries and cranberries which are great for detoxifying the body.

Good luck bro'