critique workout/diet

mr athlete

New member
New to the site looked around it a lot before joining gotta to say it is one of the best.

I am starting a cycle and would like to get some critique to my workout and diet as it pertains to my cycle. Would appreciate an level of input.

I started last week doing EQ 600mgs/week.
6-1 225. approx 15% body fat. I ran ketosis for about 4 weeks prior to starting as to get rid of the easy stuff. I am in great cardio shape, have what I consider a slow metabolism. My goal is to gain lean muscle and reduce bodyfat.

Running about 15-20 miles/week mainly after workouts.
Weights 4-5/week, no more than 16-20 sets.

Diet will/consists of 4 meals a day:
meal 1, 8:00 a.m.:
oatmeal 1 1/2 cups, 2 hard boiled eggs

meal2, 1:30 p.m.:
salad, lean chicken or fish.

meal 3, 6:00 p.m.
lean chicken or fish and veggie.

Calories are about 2,500 per day.
i think you can increase on the eating a bit, i don't if you mentioned what your goal was for this cycle, but if you working out you need to eat at least 4-6 meals through the day to help the metabolism stay high, diet is key to gain or lose or anything,..up the eating a bit, to lose body fat i suggest you try running in the early AM on empty stomach, workout you could try working out mininmum 4 times a weeks, cardio afterworkout or like i suggested in the early Am should be no more than 35-45 mins...I know other bros on the site would want to add on this....but that is just a basic diet and routine training that i know...
carbs should be taken because you need the energy, when i mean carbs, you need the good carbs, healthy fats, water, multi-vitamins, all of this play an important role in fitness training, or staying healthy.. You can the most carb through out the day and after 6 pm you can stick with protein, but at the same time proteins should be included in every meal with the carbs..The ration would be around 40/60/maybe 10 for fats, not sure but i can be corrected, so carbs/protein/fats...with fats you want to the good fats like flaxseed, olive,fish oil and hemp...
also your pwo meal should be high in Protein, and good amount of carbs to replenish and help in the recovery process..Invest in protein powders...good to have, the best i can recommend on top of my head is good product...
Eq primarly because I want to make and keep lean muscle and lose body fat. I don't want to gain to much muscle mass figured this drug offered a good profile for my goal
Well first off eating only 3 meals a day wont help speed up that metabolism of yours. You need to eat 5-6 meals at a minumum., Every 3 hours you should be eating. Secondly, where are the essential fatty acids???? I dont see any, and they will help you burn fat, give you energy, and keep your natty test levels up while you cut if you dont supplement it. You also didnt mention anything bout water consumption but i am assuming that you plan on drinking 2 gallons a day.

Whatz your macronutirent breakdown??? % of carbs, protein, fats?? I think your def lacking in proteins (variety as well as amount), and i know your lacking in healthy fats.
Got the meals input. 5-6, what about total calories? I still need to lose some BF.

I have to admit that the breakdown I never really looked at it to close, thus this post.

What do you recommend?
I use a little bit of ephadra for pre workout pick ups and for appetitie suppresion. 3-4 times a week. thats it, don't care to do more.
Well its hard to say since evry1's body reacts differntly but i wouls go with something like 40P/30C/30F and adjust it from there. The fat and carbs will prob have to be changed and played with thats the reason i tell ppl to keep a food journal and write everything down to find out what works best for you.