Creatine while on cycle

yeah it works out great, you can run all the supplements you take normally, except any hormones or prohormones......this can be done but without any more information i wouldn't advise you to do that right now. But keep your water intake up and you will be truly amazed by the results of creatine/protein/glutamine stack while on AAS
i honestly perfer to run creatine post cycle do to the fact that most aas tend to hold water and so does creatine...but it could be run..
I was kinda wondering the same thing, if you could take either creatine or amino acids while on cycle, or even right off cycle if its better, witch one would you take? Redrage, let me know if u get any other info. thanks
irishpride said:
i honestly perfer to run creatine post cycle do to the fact that most aas tend to hold water and so does creatine...but it could be run..

I'm pretty sure the only reason people hold water is when they don't drink enough of it and their body starts to retain it because they need it.

It's the same idea as when someone doesn't eat enough and their metabolism slows and they start to store fat. You eat more, you don't store fat. You drink more water, you won't store it. I drink tons of water and I never retain any water while on cycle or creatine.


I love creatine on and off cycle. It always gives me energy for my lifts and lets me get out those last few reps. Just makes me feel pumped for the gym and ready to go.
I stopped running it during the end of my last cycle since the pumps were getting a bit intense. Since it increases water retention in the mucles, it should help with that.

I was also hoping that it would keep my weight from bouncing around so much - I went off of it when I was weighing the most and came back during PST when I was losing weight (water). It makes it less obvious that you use gear.

Also, I have heard that you are supposed to take time off creatine, but I don't know how important that is.