Iv Gh injections

IV as in 'intravenous?' That sounds extremely dangerous to do on your own unless you've been trained on how to do that, not to mention that I don't think the compound was made to go into the body that way.
Humm, thanks for the info. It maybe more effective, but I have to agree the risks seem a little higher. I personaly wouldn't shoot IV but thats me, I don't know the first thing about them, kinda scares me more than IM.
even after reading that i still wouldn't risk it...to much risk involved to get that extra pound or two....just my two cents...
Very scary...if you get a bubble doing IV, you'd be in trouble. You have to tourniquet your arm off and everything like they do when they take blood at the hospital. Way too risky.
I say go for it, can you think of any other way to SKY-ROCKET your risk for tricuspid valve defects? (Except of course a little heroin).
No doubt, shooting homemade stuff sub-Q/IM is sl risky, but leave IV administration to 1) people that know what their doing & 2) (most import) for meds that are approved per FDA (read= ultra-conservative/ridiculous as far as standards for sterility). If IM + bact, still pretty much contained & good chance body will/can fight off & if not meds usually do the trick (many people debate with themselves about 5dys AFTER they should have come in, & majority still do great). You let that shit grow in your bloodstream.....you'll start feeling kinda bad & decide to wait it out, next thing you know your family/bros are carrying your delerious ass to the ED for a "quick" admit upstairs for a nice little visit.
i work in a hospital i am a med student but i didnt say i was going to do it i was just asking a question.And second gh isnt homemade!
Ahh, so you'd know how if you did want to then. I read through the link you posted earlier...seems like the consensus there also was that it was too dangerous just to gain a few extra pounds. Have you really heard of pros doing it this way? The rest of us gave you our opinions about how dangerous it would be, but you would know the dangers even better than we would since you are a med student--and you're right--hGH is not homemade.
mace said:
I shoot it directly into my brain via my temples, up my nose and into my eyes, but that's just me.
good to see you changed your site finally..it would take at least 4 of us all using microscopes to find a vein on that miniscule thing you call a wang..:moon: