Do you ever feel helpless to be helpful?


Do you ever get asked a question about training or diet and you have no idea how to answer it? More specifically in real life situations.

Today this co-worker of mine asks what I do for my chest. He went on about how he does flat bench, incline, decline, flys, etc - you know, all the shit that EVERYONE does - including me.

The only thing that I could think of to say is, "Eat."

He's a fairly skinny kid. I can tell he's athletic and knows his way around the gym.

I asked him how much protein he consumes each day and he had no clue. So I asked him to eat just as he normally would and count how much protein he eats in the next to days.

I'm willing to wager that I eat more than him in two meals than he does in two days. I'll follow-up this thread.
I hear what you can be irritating at times but most people don't have the same knowledge have interms of health and fitness...He knows his training well but he lacks the most important growth factor....and just like you said if you can.....that would be the best!!!
You could provide an answer but it depends on how they comprehend the answer or how well they take it down.... Just try to be as detailed as possible and hopes he follows it.....but mainly i like when you said go and write down and calculate what you eat in terms of protein, carbs and fat...and then help him figure out the math... I bet you could easily tell him by looking at him how much he should eat right??
I think you should tell him to go on a twinkie diet to see if he does. lol. Then that tells you if he has any common sense and how you should proceed from there. j/k.

You should see if he's willing to actually work first...if he is then give him advice or spend your time explaining things to him. Otherwise it's just a waste of time for both you and him.
I get diet info from people all the time because I the answer I always give them is that you have to eat properly. When they don't gain even 1lb in a week I know they are ful of shit. Fuck you all know how it is, my weight can fluctuate 3lbs a day easy if I don't eat right or eat too much even off cycle. Bump BS on this one, people say they want to dedicate what it takes but they rarely do.
jaywooly said:

When people ask these things, do they really want an answer?

Sometimes I think they are just venting frustration. Maybe they just feel totally lost.

Good post and I look forward to the updates.

Good Luck With Him Bro'

I think that people do want an answer, trouble is that the answer is not always the one they want to hear. In jaywooly's original post, I think that was exactly what was needed, but will his co-worker take the advice? We don't really know, but we all know the answer was correct.

I've felt lost myself--however, I listened to what I was told and made progress because I realized that I had to do the work and there was no easy way out. Eight years ago, I was 130 lbs. I now weigh 200 @ 9.6% bf. I would not be this far without actually listening to the ones who had the answers--many of whom are on this board. Thanks, guys.